Mimicry and Murder in Miombo woodland

By Mairenn Attwood, PhD student in the department of Zoology.

It’s an hour after sunrise, and an African cuckoo chick has just hatched. But it hasn’t hatched in an African cuckoo nest: instead of building their own nests, cuckoo parents lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. This chick has hatched in the nest of a fork-tailed drongo, and is sharing the space … Continue reading

A Summer of Sun, Soil and Savannas

By Ellie Wilding, PhD student in the Department of Plant Sciences

If I say the word “Savanna”, I am sure you – like I did – think of vast, Lion King-esque African plains, bursting at the seams with lions and elephants, Timone and Pumba. Over the course of this summer field season, I have been deep in the long grass, look at the soil of … Continue reading

Attending COP 26 as a Climate Change PhD Student

By Karla Boxall, PhD Student in Polar Studies at the Scott Polar Research Institute

COP, or Conference of the Parties, is the UN-organised Climate Change conference that all countries attend with the purpose of tackling climate change. COP 26, held in Glasgow, was of particular importance under the Paris Agreement agreed upon at COP 21 in 2015. The Paris Agreement was monumental in that it … Continue reading

Interning with the Environmental Audit Committee

By Carrie Soderman, PhD student in Earth Sciences

From February to April this year, in the midst of lockdown and halfway through the third year of my PhD, I took 3 months away from geochemistry to work with the Environmental Audit Committee, a House of Commons Select Committee. This opportunity was part of an amazing policy internship scheme run by UKRI, who oversee the funding … Continue reading

Becoming a Deep Earth Explorer

By Steve Pugh, PhD Student in the Department of Earth Sciences

Mantle plumes transport hot rock through the mantle.

It sounds exciting doesn’t it. Deep Earth Explorer conjures up images of caves, abseiling and the like. It’s actually a pseudonym I have taken on, alongside my colleagues, in designing a museum exhibit about our research. As a PhD student in the Department of Earth Sciences, … Continue reading