EGU 2015

This weekend lots of people are jetting off to Vienna for  the  European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, a conference which attracts geoscientists from all over the world.  These conferences are a great opportunity to present current research, get advice from world-leading experts and to meet with collaborators.

Here’s just some of the work people are involved with this week:

 / Mon, 13
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EGU 2015

This weekend lots of people are jetting off to Vienna for  the  European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, a conference which attracts geoscientists from all over the world.  These conferences are a great opportunity to present current research, get advice from world-leading experts and to meet with collaborators.

Here’s just some of the work people are involved with this week:

 / Mon, 13
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“How to win friends and influence people” – The Sedgwick Club Conference Edition – By Euan Mutch

Networking, a skill we all know is important, but often don’t do enough of. Sometimes it is just easier to stay in your comfort zone and stick with who or what you know. As scientists we can’t afford the luxury of a comfort zone, particularly when trying to present your research to the wider scientific community and beyond. Conferences provide a perfect platform from which … Continue reading